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A brief note on the benefits of Shilajit

Traditionally, Shilajit was described as a yoga vahi, meaning that whatever is taken with it will be enhanced due to Shilajit’s ability to bring any nutrient into solution and drive it into the cell.

In one study, CoQ10, which boosts energy in heart, liver, and kidney cells, was enhanced by 29% with the addition of Shilajit.

Charaka Samhita, “There is no curable disease in the universe which is not effectively cured by silajatu when administered at the appropriate time, in combination with suitable drugs and by adopting the prescribed method. When administered to a healthy person, with similar conditions it produces immense energy.”

The main chemical components of Shilajit are: humic acid, fulvic acid, benzoic acid, benzoates and high concentration of vitamin A, B, C esters. It is made up of 60-80% organic matter, 20-40% mineral matter and 5% of trace elements. Shilajit consists of mainly humic substances which are the end results of deterioration from plant and organic matter. These microorganisms are split up into three subcategories: humins, humic acid, and fulvic acids based upon their solubility in water and pH levels.


1. Shilajit the Adaptogen

Shilajit has been classified as an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to both internal and external stressors.

2. Shilajit the Energizer

Shilajit works by increasing the production of the body’s primary fuel supply, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This energy supply is made by the mitochondria in every cell as they convert food into ATP or energy. As we age, the mitochondria make less and less ATP.

3. Shilajit the Anti-Aging Agent

The mitochondria manufacture about 95% of the cellular energy of the body, which dramatically reduces with age. The mitochondria are responsible for muscle strength, hormonal energy and, as it turns out, shilajit is a powerhouse for mitochondrial energy, along with an enzyme called CoQ10. Shilajit alone has been shown to activate, stabilize and revitalize CoQ10, making it more available to boost mitochondrial energy production.

4.Shilajit the Turbo-Charger

Perhaps the star ingredients in shilajit are the humic acids, which speed up the transfer of electrons and energy to the mitochondria. Studies suggest this is like a turbocharger in your car, but for your mitochondria. In nature, humic acids found in soils are what break down nutrients and deliver them to plants in a digestible form. In the body, they play a similar role.

5.Shilajit Slows an Aging Brain

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is critical for brain function, memory, and attention. Stress and aging decrease levels of acetylcholine, and shilajit has been found to inhibit the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine.

6.Shilajit the Brain Detoxifier

Proteins like beta-amyloid plaque and tau can build up over time in the brain and cause nerve damage related to cognitive decline. Shilajit has been shown to drive oxygen, minerals, and nutrients into the brain tissue and support the brain’s natural ability to drain these potentially damaging proteins.

7.Shilajit the Fight-or-Flight Blocker

It is accepted that fight-or-flight stress from the sympathetic nervous system is degenerative for the body. The opposite calming parasympathetic nervous system is the rebuilding, repair, rejuvenate, rest-and-digest nervous system. Shilajit has been shown to increase parasympathetic activity, supporting health and longevity.

8.Shilajit the Heart Health Enhancer

Shilajit has been shown to support heart health with lower heart rates, breathing rates and healthy blood pressure when under stress.

9. Shilajit Boosts Performance and Pleasure

Shilajit has been shown to boost performance and reduce worry when under stress. It was also shown to trigger the release of pleasure hormones such a dopamine.

"When I was the Director of Player Development for the New Jersey Nets NBA team, all the players took shilajit (along with boswellia and ashwagandha) regularly. We went from the 3rd most injured team in the league to the 3rd least injured team in the league that year.”John Douillard .


Shilajit in fertility

Shilajit is used in male infertility. In fact, in 60 infertile male patients with total sperm count below 20 million/ml semen who consumed processed Shilajit twice a day for 90 days showed significant improvement in sperm by +37.6%, motility by 12.4%-17.4% in time intervals, total sperm count by +61.4%, and normal sperm count by +18.9% (Biswas et al., 2010). A decrease in semen malondialdehyde content and an increase in serum testosterone and FSH levels were noted (Biswas et al., 2010).

About female fertility studies have been only on mouses and it was found it increases fertility:

This study examined the possibility of using Shilajit as a fertility agent. The effects of Shilajit on spermatogenesis and ovogenesis were studied using male and female rats. Shilajit was administered orally to 7-week-old rats over a 6-week period. In the male rats, the number of sperms in the testes and epididymides was significant higher than in the control. A histological examination revealed an apparent increase in the number of seminiferous tubular cell layers in the testes of the treated rats. However, there were no significant differences in the weights of heart, spleen, liver, kidney, brain, testes and epididymides. In the female rats, the effect of Shilajit was estimated by the ovulation inducing activity. Over a 5-day, ovulation was induced in seven out of nine rats in the Shilajit administration group and in three out of nine rats in the control. It was estimated that Shilajit had both a spermiogenic and ovogenic effect in mature rats. ( Park 2016)

Female health

“Daily supplementation with this Shilajit extract supports BMD in postmenopausal women with osteopenia in part by attenuating the increased bone turnover, inflammation and oxidative stress that coincides with estrogen deficiency in this population at increased risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures.”( Pingali, and  Nutalapati 2022)

Collagen Synthesis

Collagen is an abundant protein in the body that is a major component of bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and cartilage. Collagen synthesis is important for maintaining healthy skin, joints, and muscles as we age.

A recent eight-week study examined the effects of daily supplementation with 500 milligrams (mg) and 1000 mg of Shilajit versus placebo on type 1 collagen synthesis. The study authors concluded both doses of Shilajit increased type 1 collagen synthesis compared to placebo.10 (Neltner 2022) and since collagen is otherwise only found in meat world, for non veg, it makes great choice.

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