Shivagutika is a famous and effective Ayurvedic medicine.
It is used for a variety of conditions like Ojaskara (Increase the Ojas/Immunity), Varna prasadana (increase skin tone), Balya (induces strength to the body), and has eliminative action like Durmedohara (eliminates excess fat from the body), Prameha hara (relieves Diabetics), Lekhana (scrape off unwanted tissues), Chedana (splits and expels the morbid matters), Mutrala (diuretic), Visha hara (acts against Poisonous accumulation in the body), Rajayakshma (Tuberculosis), Vatarakta (Gout), Yoni dosha (disease related to female reproductive system), Shukla dosha ( disease pertaining to sperm), Jwara (Fever), Splenic disorders (Pleeharoga), Arshas (Piles), Pandu(Anaemia), Grahani(IBS-Irritable bowel syndrome), Chardhi (vomiting), Gulma (Distension of abdomen), Peenasa (Rhinitis), Hikka (Hiccough), Kasa( cough), Swasa(Dyspnoea), Aruchi ( Tastelessness), Udara(Ascities), Switra (Leucoderma), Kushta (skin disease), Klaibya (Weakness), Mada (Intoxication), Kshaya (Phthisis), Sosha (Debility), Unmada (Mental disorders), Apasmara (Epilepsy), Mukha-Akshi-Siro roga (disease related to mouth, eyes and head), Atisara (Diarrhoea), Kamala (Jaundice), Yakritroga (Liver disorders), Vidradhi (Abscess), Bhagandhara (Fistula in ano), Rakta pitta (Bleeding disorders), Atikarshya (excessive emaciation), Atisthoulya (excessive stoutness), Slipada (Elephantiasis), Sakalavisha (All types of poison), Virudhabhakshanabhojana dosha (effects due to the intake of contradictory foods at the same time), Krimi (Worm infestations).Â
Shivagutika is a Shamana treatment/Rasayana, administered orally for a long duration is said to be very effective in combating the multiple system involvement of the disease. It improves the ability to consume food followed by the increasing the weight, patient treated with Shivagutika proves the effect. Shivagutika as enhancing the vyadhikshamatva property (Immunity) as superior to other formulations. The person who use this medicine always victorious in scholarly debates. If a person’s hair has grown grey due to old age or without it (timely or untimely), with its use those become black and curly like black bees. It enhances strength, wards of fear of disease, enable one to copulate with hundred women and be beloved of them. With its use,and a mentally retarded or ignorant person or who cannot speak properly become proficient in srutis (Vedic literature) and smritis and one practising yoga gets nearer to lord Shiva (Vaidya Lakshmipatisastri, Yogaratnakara with Vidyotinihindi commentary, edited by BhisagratnaBrahmasankarSastri, chapter 11, slogam. No. 101-109, Chaukhambha Prakashan, Edition reprinted 2013). If he using this medicine for 1 year without break can continue to live up to 200 years with all the sense organs and physical capabilities intact and strongly positioned. One using this medicine for 2 years can live up to 400 years likewise (Analysis with appendixed by Shri KavirajAmbikadatta Shastri Ayurvedacharya, Bhaishajyaratnavali of Govind das, Edited and enlaged by Bhisagratna Shri Brahma Shankar Misra, Vidyotini Hindi commentary Editor Shri Rajeswardatta Shastri, chapter 73, slogam. No. 151-175, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi, Eighteen revised Edition, 2005). This recipe is capable to remove all kinds of diseases. Thus, exclusive remedies should be explored to uproot the disease, or else the potent medicine for effective control over the dreadful diseases.
It can also be given to diseases of Pranavaha Srotas (respiratory System), Annavaha Srotas (Gastrointestinal tract), Purisavaha Srotas (Excretory system), Rasavaha Srotas and Raktavaha Srotas (Haematological). And also, can be given to the diseases caused due to the Visamasana janya, Sahasajanya, Vegadharana janya and Kshayaja(International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, Volume 1, Issue 3, May-June 2013, Clinical study to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Shivagutika in patients with H.I.V.). Shivagutika can be used as a safe, potent, cost-effective and sometimes as a nonsurgical management adjutant.
Several clinical tests have been done on this herb with good results in a lot of medical conditions, which can be easily found on the net.
The recipe to make this amazing Shilajit-based general tonic is:
Ingredients | Name of Source Plant | Part Used | Quantity (g) |
Shilajathu | Not defined | Not defined | 768 |
Haritaki | Terminalia chebula | Pericarp | Q. S |
Vibhitaki | Terminalia bellirica | Pericarp | Q. S |
Amalaki | Emblica officinalis | Pericarp | Q. S |
Bilva | Aegle marmelos | Root/Stem Bark | Q. S |
Syonaka | Oroxylum indicum | Root/Stem Bark | Q. S |
Gambhari | Gmelina arborea | Root/Stem Bark | Q. S |
Patala | Stereospermum suaveolens | Root/Stem Bark | Q. S |
Agnimantha | Premna integrifolia | Root/Stem Bark | Q. S |
Salaparni | Desmodium gangeticum | Whole Plant | Q. S |
Prisniparni | Uraria picta | Whole Plant | Q. S |
Brihati | Solanum indicum | Whole Plant | Q. S |
Kantakari | Solanum xanthocarpum | Whole Plant | Q. S |
Gokshura | Tribulus terrestris | Whole Plant | Q. S |
Guduci | Tinospora cordifolia | Stem | Q. S |
Patola | Trichosanthes dioica | Root | Q. S |
Bala | Sida cordifolia | Root | Q. S |
Yastimadhu | Glycyrrhiza glabra | Root | Q. S |
Gomutra (cow’ s urine) | Q. S | ||
Kshira (cow’s milk) | Q. S | ||
Kakoli | Lilium polyphyllum | Sub. Root | 48 |
Ksirakakoli | Fritillaria roylei | Sub. Root | 48 |
Musta | Cyperus rotundus | Rhizome | 48 |
Puskaramoola | Inula racemosa | Root | 48 |
Citraka | Plumbago zeylanica | Root | 48 |
Rasna | Alpinia galanga | Root | 48 |
Meda | Polygonatum cirrhifolium | Root | 48 |
Mahameda | Polygonatum verticillatum | Root | 48 |
Riddhi | Habenaria intermedia | Sub. Root Tuber | 48 |
Cavya | Piper chaba | Stem | 48 |
Gajapippali | Scindapsus officinalis | Fruit | 48 |
Patha | Cissampelos pareira | Root | 48 |
Jivaka | Microstylis muscifera | Root | 48 |
Risabhaka | Microstylis wallichii | Sub. Root Tuber | 48 |
Danti | Baliospermum montanum | Root | 48 |
Vidari | Pueraria tuberosa | Root Tuber | 48 |
Ksiravidari | Ipomea digitata | Root Tuber | 48 |
Vira | Coccinia grandis | Root | 48 |
Satavari | Asparagus racemosus | Root | 48 |
Narikela | Cocos nucifera | Endosperm | 48 |
Karkatasringi | Pistacia integerrima | Gall | 96 |
Sunthi | Zingiber officinale | Rhizome | 96 |
Marica | Piper nigrum | Fruit | 96 |
Pippali | Piper longum | Fruit | 96 |
Talisapatra | Abies webbiana | Leaf | 192 |
Vidari | Pueraria tuberosa | Root Tuber | 48 |
Vamsalocana | Bambusa bambos | Silicacious Con. | 24 |
Twak | Cinnamomum zeylanicum | Stem Bark | 96 |
Ela | Elettaria cardamomum | Seed | 96 |
Tejapatra | Cinnamomum tamala | Leaf | 96 |
Nagakesara | Mesua ferrea | Stamens | 96 |
Tila taila | Sesamum indicum | Seed | 96 |
Ghrita (cow’s ghee) | 192 | ||
Madhu (honey) | 384 | ||
Sarkara | 768 | ||
Jati | Jasminum officinale | Flower | Q. S Â |
On 8th of March, we plan to mandate our Ayurvedic unit to deliver 3 kg of this formulation to us and by Holi we expect it to be delivered.