The pharma field has failed in it. Some have been withdrawn, some come with warning and have failed. Leptin intervention has shown to do short term effects (and which is understandable because it tackles the floating serum levels and not the root cause) herbs studies have not been through and explored well ---while obesity is increasing and is accepted as mama reason for downstream health issues.
In 2013, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease.
Sthaulya (Obesity) in Ayurveda.
Acharya Charaka and Madhava has described sthaulya as A person having pendulous appearance of sphik [hip] udar [abdomen], stana [chest] due to excess deposition of meda [fats] along with reduced zeal towards life called atisthula.
Sthaulya can be correlate with obesity. Excess body fat, abdominal adiposity increases intra -abdominal fat. obesity can be seen as the first wave of a define cluster of non- communicable disease called as 'New world syndrome' The World Health Organization has described obesity as one of the today's most neglected public health problem affecting every region of globe.
Sthaulya is included under eight undesirable conditions of humans. The patient of sthaulya exhibits very strange phenomenon. The patient of Sthaulya requires excessive appetite whatever they eat is quickly digested, this happens due to hyper functioning of Jatharagni.
Agni –the fire and we have corresponding thoughts in traditional Chinese Medical system.
Agni is praised as God itself in Ayurveda. Agni converts food in the form of energy, which is responsible for all the vital functions of our body. Agni is given prime importance in the maintenance of health as well as causation of lifestyle disorders. Food which is consumed by the person is the major responsible factor for the state of health and manifestation of diseases. Metabolic transformation takes place in consumed food in digestive system. After the process of digestion, it will produce effects on the body which may be agreeable or disagreeable. Mainly Agni carried out process of digestion. The food provides nourishment to bodily tissues which is reached to end organ by the action of Agni. It is the Agni that plays a vital role in this connection because tissue elements like, rasa etc. cannot originate from undigested food particles. Agni is the sole cause for existence of life, and its extinction leads to death; its proper maintenance helps to live a long life, and its impairment gives rise to diseases. It is also cause for colour, strength, health, enthusiasm, plumpness, complexion, Ojus, Tejas, other varieties of Agni and Prana.
Relation Between Agni And Obesity:
Obesity is regarded as Medoroga, causes due to disturbances in Meda Dhatu, which includes fat tissue and fat metabolism. Agni, when loosely translated means fire but see its attributes its Energy. All the food we take in must be transformed into that which can be made useful by the body (nutrients) & that which is not needed (waste). The nutrients, or most refined products of our Agni, are used to create the body’s tissues (Dhatus). If Agni fails to do its proper work mainly on Medo Dhatu, one can lead into obesity.
According to, Ayurveda as with any other disease obesity begins with the intake of incorrect food and habits.
Most common pathogenic factor for Medovridhhi (obesity) is Ahara (food). Among the four different states of Agni, Samagni is considered as normal one, all others are considered as abnormal. Detailed note on Agni is available on our Facebook group: Tejasvani) By seeing the basic characteristics of different states of Agni the Teekshnagni should be the best because it is capable of tolerating all types of irregularities. It seems that Teekshnagni is better when compared to Samagni as Samagni will get disturbed even by small irregularities. But it is not true because the normal bodily functions cannot be carried out with Teekshnagni. Also, it indicates the Doshas are not in a balanced status. This can be explained by a example of cooking food. When the fire is at normal level then only the food get cooked properly. In contrary supplying high level of fire will burn off the food. Thus maintain Samagni is one of the targets while maintaining health.
And what it suggests:
The essence of recommendation is generally coming down to addressing a few core issues: strengthening digestion (balance Agni), removing Ama, improving dietary habits, and maintaining good appetite, ensuring regular bowel movements from which Agni stables so that Ahara Pachana (digestion) occurs properly without any hurdle due to Agni Vikrit.
The herbs
Harshitha Kumari et. el 2013 in well documented wrote” It is observed that drugs like Guggulu (Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari.), Vrukshamla (Garcinia indica Choisy., Garcinia cambogia Desr.), Atasi (Linum usitassimum Linn.), Lashuna (Allium sativum Linn.) etc., promoted for controlling Obesity and Dyslipidemia in market are not found in classical Ganas analyzed in the paper.
The relationship of Medodushti is well established in the pathogenesis of Santarpanottha Vikaras like Sthaulya and Prameha. Many of the herbs mentioned in Medohara Ganas possess hypolipidemicas well as hypoglycemic activities.
Drugs mentioned in each Gana of Ayurvedic classics have multifarious pharmacological properties. Some of the research studies carried out on these herbs confirmed both hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic activities. This observation is useful for designing new formulations to treat Medodushti and its complications. Drugs that are Katu, Tikta, Kashaya in Rasa, possessing Ushna Virya, and Laghu Ruksha Guna are largely responsible for Medohara and Lekhaneeya activities.” And post article things have been more confirmed with lot more research.
One products that stands tall is gooseberry , amla and is supposed to posses all rasas hence called Amrit .So using it and its products makes sense.