Shilajit is a natural resin that oozes out of natural stones facing sun.
Shilajit naturally has a fulvic acid its main ingredient and normally found in .5 to 1 %. Nowadays the technologies exist to extract its active ingredients and increase the FA content up to 40 % FA (fulvic acid). We have already been making dry extract, but the liquid resin is done rarely possibly we are only partly doing it for an importer in Germany with assured FA of more than 40 %, cleaned free of heavy metals and since shelf life is nearly three years this exercise is usually done every 2 years as batch size has to be over 100 kgs.
In Ayurveda it's called Rasayan. A status given to few products which acts across board to improve human life.
Lot of people who do not like to be knowledgeable often advise it is not good for woman as it generates heat (and we all know what it means and I have moral issues in such expectations) but besides there is enough research to suggest it improves ovarian health especially egg qualities which is very important in fertility cycle.
We must realize heat/energy or Agni in Ayurveda is what sustains life. The moment it starts decreasing one is in trouble. The quality of life starts going down the hill.
Chemical Constituents: Chemical analysis shows that it contains besides gums, albuminoids, traces of resin and fatty acid, a large quantity of benzoic and hippuric acids and their salts. From the medicinal point of view, the chief active substances in it are benzoic acid and benzoates and including bioactive oxygenated dibeno-alpha-pyrones, tirucallane triterpenes, phenolic lipids and small tannoids.
We plan to do that and release it for members on Makar Sankranti the 16th January the day we realised her importance in year 2022 and will be over till 10 kgs sales are completed.
General Pharmacological Activities:
The general pharmacological activities shown by Shilajit are summarised below:
Anti-inflammatory: Shilajit is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It has been shown to reduce acute chemically induced edema by 77%. The antioxidant properties also help to prevent inflammation. Orally administered Shilajit (50 mg/kg) induced significant anti-inflammatory activity against carrageenan induced pedal oedema.
Analgesic: It literally means joint inflammation. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help to decrease and relieve joint inflammation and pain. The effects on the neurotransmitters in the brain also seem to help relieve joint pain. Studies were conducted in albino mice to determine the effect of 50-200 per kg of Shilajit. The analgesic effect of Shilajit pretreatment were studies using the technique of hot wire induced tail-flick response. Shilajit was found to have analgesic activity (p, 0.001) in the dose of 200mg/kg i.p. The effect was significant during the first 60 min.
Anti-diabetic: High blood sugar is a growing (literally) health problem today. Millions of people around the world have some degree of high blood sugar and are progressing on to diabetes. Shilajit has long been used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes in Ayurvedic medicine. Shilajit (50 & 100 mg/kg, p.o) had no discernible per se effect on blood glucose levels in normal rats but attenuated the hyperglycaemic response of STZ.
Immunomodulatory: Shilajit and its corresponding combined fractions, acted essentially as cell growth factors in both normal and tumor cells by maintaining membrane integrity. Thus, Ayurveda rasayan, Shilajit would be validated as currently available efficacious immunomodulator. It was found that the white blood cell activity was increased by Shilajit extract. The observed activity increased as the dose of Shilajit extract and time of exposure was increased.
Nootropic:Shilajit at a dose of 50 mg/kg, p.o has significant nootropic activity as shown by passive avoidance learning and retention. It was found that processed Shilajit and its active constituents (total ethyl acetate fraction and fulvic acids) significantly increased the learning acquisition and memory retention in old albino rats.
Anti-anxiety: Shilajit at a dose of 10 mg/kg, p.o has significant anti-anxiety activity as proved by elevated plus-maze test which is comparable to that of diazepam (1 mg/kg, p.o).
Anti-ulcer: Shilajit pretreatment at the dose of 100mg/kg orally reduced ulcer index in immobilisation and aspirin induced gastric ulcers. In duodenal ulcers also, Shilajit pretreatment significantly reduced the incidence of ulcers induced by cysteamine in rats & histamine in guinea pigs.
Spermatogenic and Ovogenic Effects: Shilajit, is an aphrodisiac. It is well known that Shilajit would return the libido of both sexes. The use of Shilajit for renewing vitality. The administration of Shilajit to rats showed a remarkable increase in the number of sperm of the epididymis in male rats and in the number of ovulations induced rats in females.
Anti-fungal Activity: Methanolic extract of Shilajit at the concentration of 5000µg/ml was having excellent inhibitory activity against Alternaria cajani (95.12 % spore inhibition).
Protection of Mast Cells from Degranulation: The effects of fulvic acids,4-methoxy- 6carbomethoxy biphenyl and 3,8-dihydroxy- pyrone were studied in relation to the degranulation of mast cells against noxious stimuli. Shilajit and different combination of its constituents provided statistically significant protection to antigen-induced degranulation of sensitized mast cells, markedly invited the antigen-induced spasmin of sensitized guinea pig ileum and prevent mast cell disruption induced by compound 48/80.
Free Radical Scavenging and Antioxidant Effect: Antioxidants can safely neutralize a free radical without becoming a free radical them self. Shilajit is a powerful antioxidant that has the added benefit of being able to cross the blood- brain barrier. Shilajit shown free radical scavenging & antioxidant effect against SO3-, OH radical and paramagnetic nitric oxide (NO) depending on the concentration of FA. The antioxidant effects were concentration dependent. Higher concentrations of processed Shilajit provided greater free radical protection.
Cholesterol: Shilajit was found to lower serum cholesterol, liver cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum phospholipids in test subjects feed high cholesterol diet. Shilajit amplifies the benefits of other herbs by enhancing their bio- availability. It helps transport nutrients deep into the tissue and removes deep-seated toxins. Shilajit improves memory and the ability to handle stress. Shilajit reduces recovery time in muscle, bone, and nerve injuries. Shilajit stimulates the immune system and reduces chronic fatigue. It is adaptogen (Rasayana) that helps to combat immune disorders, urinary tract disorders, nervous disorders, and sexual dissatisfaction. It promotes strong bones and heals damages muscle tissues, osteoarthritis and porous.
Antiviral Activity: Shilajit is endowed with both immuno-potentiating and viral load reducing properties.
Anti-AIDS Activity: Shilajit is endowed with both immunopotentiating and viral load reducing properties. Clinical studies in AIDS patients with a multi-component natural product-formulation, comprising three essential and three supportive ingredients, in which Shilajit was one of the essential constituents was conducted and results were upbeat. And extending that logic it can meet lot of real-life situations in which body is weak by being exposed to loads of virus, bacteria, traumas (accidents)or chemo or radiation therapy.